Eat your sweets the right way in Ramadan

Eat your sweets the right way in Ramadan
2016 site.g_month.Jun
2016 site.g_month.Jun

Is it OK to have sweets everyday?
Yes you can, as long as it is eaten in moderation.
Can indulging in sweets be considered healthy?
Yes, but only if they are prepared with minimum fat and less calories.
To make your sweets lower in calories and fats, try these tips:
  • Instead of buying or making kunafa with cream, prepare it with low fat cheese, and eat it without adding any sugar syrup
  • Use low fat milk products
  • Avoid using butter and ghee and substitute them with corn, sunflower or canola oil and in small amounts
  • Do not add honey or cream on cakes or puddings, use low calorie sugar instead
  • Choose grilled or raw Katayef instead of fried ones
  • Try to reduce the amount of nuts added on cakes and puddings, and substitute it with cinnamon powder when you can
  • Try not to add sugar to juices and sugar icing to sweets
  • Do not dip dumplings in sugar syrup
Can Sweets be eaten immediately after Iftar?
Eating sweets immediately after Iftar will increase the size of your stomach and can cause a delay in digestion. It can also lead to fluctuation in the blood sugar level, which will lead to you craving for more sweets! That’s why, it is recommended to have it 2-3 hours after Iftar.
Sweets can make this joyous season even more enjoyable, if consumed with discretion. Instead of 3 or 4, have just one portion of your favourite. This will give you a taste of what you like while making sure that you don’t overindulge.

